News & Events
Gargee’an Celebration
Today, we celebrated the Special Day of Gargee’an, in suitably appropriate and fitting style. Gifts of sweets and chocolates were generously shared – in the attractively decorated courtyard; while our musically inspired students splendidly dressed in traditional dress, eagerly played their drums in tuneful har...
On: 31-Mar, 2024
Mother’s Day
Students demonstrated their artistic and creative skills after designing and making their own special Mother’s Day cards. Clearly, their proud mothers appreciated such carefully crafted works of love and devotion!
On: 21-Mar, 2024
Throughout the entire School, on Thursday, Noor Al Diyar students enthusiastically engaged in the My Hero activity day. Evidently, many students had taken a lot of time preparing, and, indeed dressing as their role models – and subsequently really impressed with their well-informed, and extremely educational p...
On: 04-Mar, 2024
The extremely well-versed students of Noor Al Diyar extolled their public speaking skills. Grades KG2 to 7 delivered impressively high-quality speeches, which were attentively listened to by fellow students, teachers, and esteemed guests, followed by passionately and powerfully performed debates from Grades 8 and 9....
On: 02-Mar, 2024
Art Competition at MoE
Ali Hussain from Grade 9A and Aviral Khatal from Grade 8B proudly received their Winners’ Certificates for their outstanding participation in The Bahrain National Students’ Art Competition at the Ministry of Education. Congratulations and well done to our marvelously creative students!
On: 08-Feb, 2024
Sports Day
Noor Al Diyar Private School hosted the much-awaited Sports Day with great ardor and zeal. The joy and efforts showcased by the students during the preparation of the event were highlighted and elaborated upon. The importance of sports and extra-curricular activities in the lives of students as they embark on their ...
On: 27-Jan, 2024
Bahrain’s National Day Celebration
Today we celebrated Bahrain’s National Day in an admirably decorated courtyard. Red and white flags were waved enthusiastically as the respected audience enjoyed a range of fun activities and diverse cultural presentations. Initially, the well-rehearsed scout group formed a fitting and disciplined parade as the Bahr...
On: 12-Dec, 2023
End of term party
Smiles galore at the Kindergarten end of term party! Our young students celebrated in style with dancing, dressing up, and plenty of bubbles blown! Certainly a very enjoyable time had by all!
On: 07-Dec, 2023
A very reverent and most special ceremony was held today. Beautiful and eloquent recitations from the Holy Qur’an by our dedicated students were received warmly by the esteemed and appreciative audience.
On: 23-Nov, 2023