News & Events

KG2 Graduation Ceremony
Noor Al Diyar celebrated its annual KG2 Graduation Ceremony. In attendance were, the respected Director, Madame Sameera Ali Hasan; members of the Board; and members of the Parents’ Council who had come to share such a lovely occasion. After the welcome speeches in Arabic and English, students were treated to a uniqu...
On: 13-Jun, 2024
Student Awards Ceremony
We celebrated in truly fitting style, the Noor Al Diyar Student Awards Ceremony. Our honoured chief guest was His Excellency Salman Bin Isa Bin Hindi Al Mannai, Governor of Muharraq Governate, who had kindly attended expressly to celebrate the excellent successes of our hard-working students.Soon, we welcomed our Sc...
On: 19-May, 2024
Grandparents’ Day
A very special Noor Al Diyar community atmosphere was experienced during KG’s Grandparents’ Day. This, indeed, proved an ideal occasion for our grandparents to enjoy the fun activities presented by our welcoming and eager KG students. Certainly, a very pleasurable and delightful time was relished by all!
On: 18-May, 2024
Arabic Speech Competition
Our talented students performed wonderfully creative poems during the Arabic Speech Competition. All competitors participated notably, each giving insightful and thoughtful contributions relating to general knowledge, ethical values and science. Well done!
On: 28-Apr, 2024
Plenty of fun activities took place throughout the school to celebrate World Book Day! Aspiring authors eagerly dressed up as their favourite characters, and further impressed with fascinating presentations of their favourite books. Well, done to our literary enthusiasts, and keep reading!
On: 25-Apr, 2024
Ramadan Food Drive
On Sunday, our generous students kindly and enthusiastically donated carefully boxed food items in order to support the Bahrain Islamic Charity in its Ramadan Food Drive. The considerable amount of food contributed should certainly help this much beloved and cherished charity. Well done students! We are extremely pr...
On: 09-Apr, 2024
Gargee’an Celebration
Today, we celebrated the Special Day of Gargee’an, in suitably appropriate and fitting style. Gifts of sweets and chocolates were generously shared – in the attractively decorated courtyard; while our musically inspired students splendidly dressed in traditional dress, eagerly played their drums in tuneful har...
On: 31-Mar, 2024
Mother’s Day
Students demonstrated their artistic and creative skills after designing and making their own special Mother’s Day cards. Clearly, their proud mothers appreciated such carefully crafted works of love and devotion!
On: 21-Mar, 2024
Throughout the entire School, on Thursday, Noor Al Diyar students enthusiastically engaged in the My Hero activity day. Evidently, many students had taken a lot of time preparing, and, indeed dressing as their role models – and subsequently really impressed with their well-informed, and extremely educational p...
On: 04-Mar, 2024