News & Events
Book Fair
A marvelous selection of books were splendidly displayed at the recent Book Fair. Our avid student readers clearly enjoyed participating in this highly educational and opportunistic literary event!
On: 19-Nov, 2023
Orphan Day
On Monday, generous Grades 3, 4 and 5 kindly and enthusiastically donated books, toys, games and Pokemon cards, for the rest of the School to buy – in order to raise money and support the Al Sanabel Orphan Care Society. The considerable amount raised should certainly help this much beloved and cherished charit...
On: 15-Nov, 2023
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Early Years enjoyed an extremely fun Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Each student enthusiastically participated, and, indeed relished their delicious snacks and games – with their accompanying teddy bears!
On: 11-Nov, 2023
G8 & G7 Educational Visit – Al Ayam Newspaper
Grade 7&8 enjoyed an extremely interesting and educational trip to the Al Ayam Newspaper in Manama. Students were able to experience the excitement of the fascinating Al Ayam’s editing and publication process – including an informative lecture and accompanied tour around the various stages of the printing ...
On: 09-Nov, 2023
Kindergarten Field Trip – Pottery Factory
Every child is a born artist. Our KG students demonstrated this sentiment on their visit to the pottery factory. We enjoyed every second!
On: 05-Nov, 2023
MOE Art Competition
Look out Picasso, here comes Noor Al Diyar students! From everyone here at school we wish the best of luck to all our talented students who took part in the MOE Art Competition this week.
On: 02-Nov, 2023
G8 Field Trip – Pottery Factory
Take a look at the fun our Grade 8 students had on their field trip this week, where they learned all about local and international art. Their first attempts at pottery were pretty impressive! We may even have some future artists in our midst.
On: 19-Oct, 2023
Elderly Social Welfare Center Visit
We celebrated a wise generation for International Old People’s day. Our students visited the local elderly Social Welfare Center ensuring we not only embrace the future but value the past too.
On: 02-Oct, 2023
World Peace Day
A big thank you to all our students who dressed in white to celebrate World Peace Day. A powerful message made by powerful students!
On: 20-Sep, 2023