
Parent’s Council

Parents play both an essential role in their children learning and can impact the school’s overall performance. Since parents come from the local and international community, working closely with parents not only improves student’s educational attainment but can also have a significant impact on the school’s standing in the community.

The objectives of the Council are as follows (this is not exclusive):

  • To develop the relationship between the school and the council.
  • To assist the school in organizing different social and cultural programs.
  • To strengthen the bond between the community and the school.

The council is chaired by the School Principal and the members are as follows:

Ms. Shaima Hamdi Mohamed MorsiSocial WorkerMember
Mr. Robert Paul GravellCoordinatorMember
Mr. Hardik TrivediCoordinatorMember
Dr. Seham MahmoodParentMember
Ms. Wafa Abdulla MousaviParentMember
Ms. Alaa Hamad Al FraikhParentMember
Mr. Ali BukhammasParentMember
Ms. Fatena Ahmed Al QattanParentMember