
Skills Building

Building Communication Skills

In the past, children were likely to view their teachers as ancient, abstract entities, who they had little to no connection with. Here at Noor Al Diyar Private School, we believe that teachers and students should walk hand in hand through novels and go on adventures together with Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Fin, Sir. Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay, Holmes and Watson, Kalilia and Dewna and Asterix et Obélix.

Mark Twain once said,

If a man has never given up his childhood, then he is absolutely living his life correctly.

Throughout their school life, our students will have this sense of wonderment embedded into their way of thinking so that literacy and language becomes a life-long journey they continue, long after they leave us.

At the earliest age, students will learn the essential skill of, ‘talking’, the foundation of language and the key to accessing the range of subjects we provide. Once this skill has been mastered, our students will learn speaking and listening skills and have the opportunity to practise public speaking.

To prepare our students for the real world, the secondary phase of English will focus on creative writing, debate, and oratory, giving them the confidence to express themselves articulately and with conviction.

When you think of people who changed the world, many achieved their goals through the power of their words. By teaching the art of debate and oratory, our students will have the necessary tools to become leaders in their professions and give them agency in the workplace.

Building Mathematical Skills

As one of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects, and since math is the language and foundation of the others, we place a high importance on building our students’ mathematical skill level.

For young children who are naturally curious there are shapes, numbers, moving objects and patterns to behold, things to count and investigations to be undertaken. It is a creative, challenging and wondrous way of looking at life and exploring the world. For little children, maths is not just a cognitive process. It is also a social, emotional and physical experience.

During kindergarten we incorporate mathematics learning into play to help students so they can make links between what they learn in the classroom to their experiences in real life, in a genuine context.

Students will also learn through highly practical and interactive methods to help inspire a love of mathematics from the earliest age and have many opportunities to build mathematical understanding through exploration, problem solving and discussion.

Once students enter the secondary phase, they will expand on their mathematical prowess at an even greater speed. By using cross-curricular teaching methods students will see maths in biology, physics, chemistry, technology right the way through into the humanities. Making connections such as these may have begun in kindergarten but by the time our students leave through our doors, they will be able to link the formula of π to the iris of an eye or the geometrical shape of the world and understand that mathematics has infinite applications.

Building Scientific and Technological Skills

With Science and technology being key to understanding the natural and modern world, our students will experience rich learning opportunities that will develop their skills so they can navigate their way through modernity and into an unknown future.

By continuing our philosophy of, ‘valuing the past and embracing the future’, our students will undertake the scientific methodology of Aristotle, grounded in practical observation, in our state of art facilities.

At an early age, students will begin to explore the natural world and develop an understanding of their place within it. Building on this knowledge, our students will expand on their skills and take part in, in-depth scientific enquiry, which will enlighten them on their impact on the environment, instilling in them a sense of social responsibility that will last a lifetime.

During the secondary phase of their education, students will be expected to build on their critical thinking skills by conducting innovative and robust research into:

  • Climate change
  • Environmental issues
  • Health and well-being
  • Ethical issues
  • Diversity
  • Equality

Science and technology are intricately linked, each depending on one another and the curiosity of children should never be allowed to diminish. Rather, our students will be exposed to new concepts through a carefully planned curriculum that always encourages our students to ask the most fundamental scientific question of all… why?