Student Awards Ceremony
We celebrated in truly fitting style, the Noor Al Diyar Student Awards Ceremony. Our honoured chief guest was His Excellency Salman Bin Isa Bin Hindi Al Mannai, Governor of Muharraq Governate, who had kindly attended expressly to celebrate the excellent successes of our hard-working students.
Soon, we welcomed our Scout Team , onto the stage – with Bahraini flags being waved enthusiastically – and thoroughly enjoyed their patriotic and disciplined display. After super dance and song performances by KG1, KG2, Grade 1 and Grade 2: the School choir also impressed with a rousing rendition of You raise me up. Subsequently. the appreciative audience paid tribute to our academic and talent award winners during a magnificent prize-giving ceremony – which was noteworthy for the distribution of 36 academic awards, and over 300 talent awards – to our delighted recipients. Certainly, all of our participating students performed at their very best; demonstrating their marvellous talents and skills; and clearly cherished sharing this particularly proud moment with all of the Noor Al Diyar community.