School Policy
School Visitors Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure having a clear procedure for providing the right of entry to school premises to an external visitor. The policy should be implicit by school staff, parents and other visitors in order to ensure students safety and well-being as they are in school during school hours, or after school activities.
Parent council Policy
The purpose of the Parent Council Policy is to develop parent empowerment and serve as a communication channel between the School and the families. The primary activities of the Council shall be directed towards improving and expanding services to children and their families.
Learning Centre’s Books Borrowing Policy
The purpose of the Learning Centre’s Book Borrowing policy is to ensure that users can make the best use of the school learning centre and borrow books frequently.
Lost & Found Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide procedures for controlling and management of lost and found objects at school. Lost objects is defined as any item that is left behind in the school premises and its owner is unknown.
Student Attendance Policy
This policy is aimed at supporting student’s academic success and to provide consistent, quality delivery of academic programs and services, based on the fact that better attendance leads to higher retention rates, higher marks, and more satisfying educational experience.
Students Council policy
The purpose of this policy is to develop a voice for students in consultation with management, staff and parents for the purpose of enhancing schools’ operation and improving provided educational services. This policy is intended to support the establishment and operation of an effective student council in the school.
Gift Receiving Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure having a clear procedure for providing the right of entry to school premises to an external visitor. The policy should be implicit by school staff, parents and other visitors in order to ensure students safety and well-being as they are in school during school hours, or after school activities.
Birthday Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure staff members are representing the school standards of conduct in relation to students, parents, other individuals or organizational entities and practice equal treatment to all.
Staff Dress Code & Appearance Policy
This policy is aimed at providing a consistent professional appearance to the students, parents, visitors and to our colleagues. The goal is to ensure that we portray a positive image and maintain a professional work environment. Visitors to school must also abide by the points outlined in this policy. The school reserves the right to deny entry into the school if this policy is violated.
School Bag Weight Policy
The School Bag Weight Policy aims at providing the procedures related to limiting school bags weight. As custodians of students’ wellbeing, the school sets school bags weight guidelines in order to limit the long term effects of carrying heavy school bags.
Sport Event Policy
The Sport Events Policy is developed to make sure the inclusion of all the necessities for the safe conduct of sport events. It assists the school in developing appropriate assessment for all foreseeable risks of a sport event/activity.
Student Behaviour Policy
The purpose of the Student Behaviour Policy is to provide clear procedures for encouraging good behaviour in our students. Our aim is not short-term classroom and school rules enforcement but a lifelong character development (building positive, responsible & independent members of the community).
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
The purpose of the Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy is to ensure that all the children at Noor Al Diyar Private School are safe, protected and able to reach their full potentials.
Educational Visit & Supervision Away from School Policy
The Educational Visit & Supervision Away from School Policy is aimed at ensuring that the school is satisfying its duty of care in supervising students. We at Noor Al Diyar Private School believe that off-site activities are part of the curriculum requirements, in which it provides experiences that would be difficult to offer within the school boundaries. Therefore, maintaining students’ safety during off-site activities is part of our role and responsibilities.
Grade Appeal Policy
The Grade Appeal Policy is aims at providing guidelines to process an appeal for aggrieved students (or their parents) who wish to appeal end of term or end of year grades.
Students Induction Programme Policy
The Students Induction Programme Policy aims at helping new students to cope with the school environment, and assist them to get awareness of the support and services provided for them by the school, in order to benefit the most from the school quality learning processes and its various life activities.
Assessment Policy
The purpose of the Assessment Policy is to manage and control assessment procedures implemented by the school, and to ensure fairness and consistency of the assessment that is adopted by the school with the standards and competencies of the school curricula and the national accreditation organization framework.
Acceptable Use Of Technology
This policy aims at providing guidelines, procedures for safe and secure use of technology related resources, equipment and network, in order to help protect students from harm and create environment where students can benefit from using the technology in learning.
School Uniform Policy
Our main aim of this policy to ensure our students are ready for life after they leave us and to equip them
with an impeccable desire to achieve excellence in every aspect of their lives. In addition, this policy will
provide teachers, parents and students with the details on the expectations and standards that we expect.
Our students must wear the school uniform while attending school, participating in events, or representing
the school in after school activities, unless it is for PE or a sporting event.