
Drinks, Snacks and Lunch

KG1 and KG2

Parents are asked to provide a small snack for children to have mid-morning. This should be a healthy snack, as evidence links a healthy diet with higher educational attainment. Snacks should also be easy to eat e.g. a piece of fruit, cereal bar or small biscuit.

At lunchtime, the food supplied should be easy to consume and again healthy, e.g. small sandwiches, fruit cut into small pieces, etc. Please make sure the food packaging can be opened easily by your child. Food should be stored in a small, insulated lunch box.

Grades 1 – 8

Children have a snack break mid-morning where they can go outside and play. At this time, they are encouraged to have a drink and something to eat. Drinks should be brought in an appropriate container, e.g. drinks flask which your child can use independently and is clearly marked with your child’s name. A snack for this time should be something nutritious which can be eaten easily. We recommend a piece of fruit or vegetables. We do not allow crisps, sweets or chocolate as a mid-morning snack. Please see the Healthy food booklet for ideas and recipes.

Lunch is eaten outside near the canteen, during this time, children are expected to use good table manners and behave appropriately. Lunch can either be brought from home or provided by our external catering company. If a packed lunch is brought from home, this must be contained in a small cool box and clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please label all containers within the lunch box, e.g. Tupperware boxes. Children will also have time to play outside during this lunch time.

Please provide the correct utensils required to eat the food supplied.